Pugs Cause traffic Jams

Written by Jennifer McGrath, Illustrated by Kathryn Durst

Every page is an adventure, with so many things to look at and discover. I like how the story introduces you to different dogs as the girl looks for her dog. The dog is just being a dog: exploring and causing a traffic jam. A fun book with ALL the bright illustrations.

Reviewed by Debbie Brady, Librarian, Oakwood Elementary
Review shared in April 2022
Rating: ★★★★★ (5 stars)
Interest Level: Grades K-3

Pugs Cause Traffic Jams
Written by Jennifer McGrath, Illustrated by Kathryn Durst
Kids Can Press
32 pages
Release Date: May 3, 2022
ISBN: 9781525303401
A review copy was provided by the publisher.

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