Sora Featured Collection: Dog Days

Browse our newly updated Dog Days collection and beat the late summer boredom with ebooks and audiobooks.

Dog Days
Over 250 books >
Screenshot of 'Dog Days' collection ribbon on the 'Explore' screen of Granite's Sora, featuring cover images of several books in the 'Dog Days' collection with dogs on the covers.

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Log in to Sora with your username (9-number for students) and regular password and explore our collection today. Thousands of ebooks and hundreds of audiobooks are available to borrow right now!

Additional Resources

Want to see what else we are curating in Sora? Log in to Sora with your username (9-number for students) and regular password and visit the Explore screen, or browse other posts in our Sora New Releases and Features series.

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Screenshot of quick links on the Granite Sora information page –

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