Sora has given us a new collection of over 50 social and emotional learning titles, always available for educators and students throughout the next school year.
Log in to Sora with your username (9-number for students) and regular password and explore the refreshed Sociala & Emotional Learning collection today!
Sora is donating unlimited access to these books to our students and staff through the next two school years (until June 30, 2025) as part of their “Everyone Reads” program to boost community access to digital books.
Additional Resources
Requests and Recommendations
Are we missing something? Let us know! Students and staff in Granite School District can make recommendations for Sora purchases using our ‘Suggest a Sora Purchase’ form.
More Collections
Want to see what we are curating in Sora? Log in to Sora with your username (9-number for students) and regular password and visit the Explore screen, or browse other posts in our Sora New Releases and Features series.
Sora Help and General Information

Want more information about Sora? Visit our dedicated Sora help page for Granite students and staff at sora.edtech.fun (https://www.graniteschools.org/edtech/sora/).