Heroes of the Water Monster

Written by Brian Young

Nathan has a new Water Monster by the name of Dew. She is just a baby and Nathan needs to find someone to be her guardian when he reaches puberty. Nathan has a new step-brother named Steven who is a perfect choice to be Dew’s new guardian. Dew’s sister Yitoo arrives to teach Dew all of the water songs she needs to protect her water. Unfortunately, for the boys…..Yitoo is very angry about how their tribe was moved from their homes and murdered by the five fingers (Anglo Saxon). She is so angry that she wants to destroy the five fingers completely. Although the boys understand that the Binti tribe and many other tribes have every reason to hate the people that hurt their ancestors there are many people in the modern world who love the land and want to help it. The boys, with the help of Dew, must do battle with Yitoo to save Phoenix and all of the people in it. I won’t ruin the ending but with the help and prayers from their family they are able to arrive at a conclusion that everyone can agree with. The battles in this book are amazing and I am sure that students will love reading it.

Reviewed by Christie Haslam, Librarian, Gearld Wright Elementary
Review shared in November 2023
Rating: ★★★★½ (4.5 stars)
Interest Level: Grades 4-8

Hereos of the Water Monster
Written by Brian Young
Heartdrum, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers
378 pages
Release Date: May 23, 2023
ISBN: 9780062990433
A review copy was provided by the publisher.

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