Sora Featured Collections: Read Something Green for March 17, Read Something New for Spring

New March 2024 - Children's Books
Try a new book today! New releases and other titles recently added or renewed in our collection.
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Over 340 Books
Sora Collection – New March 2024 – Children’s Books – Explore Ribbon Screenshot
New March 2024 - Teen Books
Try a new book today! New releases and other titles recently added or renewed in our collection.
[Book cover images]
Over 250 Books
Sora Collection – New March 2024 – Teen Books – Explore Ribbon Screenshot

We add new ebook and audiobook titles to Granite’s Sora every week! We also add more copies of titles with 4 or more holds per copy, and we renew older titles that have expired but have active holds or recent checkouts.

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Women's History Month
commemorating and encouraging the study, observance and celebration of the vital role of women in history
Sora Collection – Women’s History Month – Explore Ribbon Screenshot
Something Green for March 17!
Celebrate St. Patrick's Day by reading a green book!
Over 330 books
[Book cover images]
Sora Collection – Something Green for March 17! – Explore Ribbon Screenshot
Something Green for March 17!
Celebrate St. Patrick's Day by reading a green book!
Over 330 books
[Book cover images]
Sora Collection – Something Green for March 17! – Explore Ribbon Screenshot
2024 Beehive Book Award Nominees - Young Adult
The Beehives are Utah's children's and teen choice book awards! Ask your librarian for help voting or visit for more info.
All 24 books
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Sora Collection – 2024 Beehive Book Award Nominees Young Adult – Explore Ribbon Screenshot
2024 Beehive Book Award Nominees - Children's
The Beehives are Utah's children's and teen choice book awards! Ask your librarian for help voting or visit for more info.
All 24 books
[book cover images]
Sora Collection – 2024 Beehive Book Award Nominees Children’s – Explore Ribbon Screenshot

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