For Extreme-Sports Crazy Boys Only

For Extreme-Sports Crazy Boys OnlyWritten by John Coy

If extreme is your thing, then this is the book for you! John Coy packs a bunch into this book: the history of extreme sports, preparation, protection, description, and more! Scattered throughout the book are quotes from famous participants, such as Sean White, which I found very enjoyable and a nice way to break up the pages of facts. The sports covered range from more traditional ones like rock climbing, to newer and perhaps lesser know sports such as slacklining. Each sport gets 2 pages. Those pages give a description of the sport, a small history, a list of different styles, competitions (if any), records, and other facts. In the back of the book are a very few highlights on professional participants, such as Tony Hawk. Considering the danger of these sports, I was glad to see a section (though small) addressing the deaths that have occurred to some of the pros. Young people need to know there are serious risks that come with the adrenaline. My biggest disappointment was that the title had to exclude girls, for as we all know, sports are not gender specific. Great book for those interested in sports outside the norm.

Review by Teresa Edmunds, Westbrook Elementary Media Center
Rating: ★★★★✩ (4 stars)
Interest Level: Grades 5-9

For Extreme-Sports Crazy Boys Only
Written by John Coy
Feiwel and Friends
160 pages
Release Date: October 13, 2015

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