Thanksgiving at the Tappletons’

thanksgiving-at-the-tappletonsWritten by Eileen Spinelli, Illustrated by Maryann Cocca-Leffler

I have been struggling to find some Thanksgiving books for our school that are current and colorful. I was excited to find this as a review book.

The Tappletons have a long tradition of festive Thanksgivings shared with extended family. Mrs. Tappleton gets up early to prepare the turkey. Mr. Tappleton goes for pies, Kenny makes the salad, and Jenny fixes the potatoes. The guests are on their way. What could possibly go wrong???
This is a hilarious book of a modern day calamity that will have you in stitches of horror as Thanksgiving seem to be doomed. Can they enjoy this day or will everything be ruined? The illustrations in this book are indeed colorful and delightful to view. The children will really relate to them. This Holiday book is great fun!! I’m excited to share with our students!

Review by Andrea Van Wagoner, Arcadia Elementary Media Center
Rating: ★★★★½ (4.5 stars)
Interest Level: Grades K- 4

Thanksgiving at the Tappletons’
Written by Eileen Spinelli, Illustrated by Maryann Cocca-Leffler
32 pages
Release Date: September 15, 2015 (originally published in 1982)

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