There are hundreds of ebooks available for unlimited checkouts in Granite’s Sora! Since browsing them in one collection can be a bit unwieldy, in this post we break them down into more specific collections, and also share an easy way to find books available for checkout right now.

Spanish – Unlimited Checkouts
This collection of 100 Spanish easy readers was recently provided to us by OverDrive.
Diverse Reads for Kids and Teens
Earlier this year OverDrive provided us this Diverse Reads for Kids and Teens collection with fifty unlimited simultaneous use titles.
Classics – Unlimited Checkouts

This collection is filled with popular classics always ready for instant reading.
Available Now

The Available Now collection always shows the most popular or newest items that are available for borrowing right now. When the book they most wanted is on hold, students can always find another great read to dig into immediately by browsing this collection. It self-updates automatically, pulling from
- unlimited checkout titles,
- other titles for which we have large numbers of copies (not actually “unlimited” but in some cases 50 to 100 copies that can be borrowed simultaneously), and
- all books that happen to be checked in at the moment, sorted by past popularity.
- We have access to most of these unlimited checkout books thanks to the generosity of OverDrive/Sora and the publishers.
- Some of the titles shown in this post will not be accessible to elementary or junior high students, and the collections will look different for those students. The screenshots of collections shown above are examples created using a Sora account with “Adult” level access (students in grades 9-12 and all staff members.) See Granite’s Borrowing and Collection Information for more details on access levels.