![Sora - The student reading app
[Book cover images]
Supersonic Phonics - Decodable Leveled Readers
Decodables by jump!](https://www.granitemedia.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Sora-Supersonic-Phonics-and-Decodables-Package-1024x1024.jpg)
We now have a comprehensive phonics and decodables collection always available in Granite’s Sora!
The complete fiction and nonfiction phonics and decodables programs from Bearport Publishing and Jump are now available for unlimited simultaneous use by students and teachers in Sora.
Log in to Sora with your username (9-number for students) and regular password to view the Supersonic Phonics & Decodables and other collections.
Phonics and Decodables Package Details and Resources
Click on a level tile below to see and open the specific titles in that level. Scroll down for the detailed skill charts for the phonics packages.

Supersonic Phonics Reading Skill Chart
Decodables from Jump – Reading Skill Chart
Poster: Supersonic Phonics & Decodables

Click download above for a high quality printable version of the poster. For a smaller version of the poster sharable on websites and social media, right click on the image above and choose “Save image as…”
Additional Resources
Looking for more books for beginning readers in Sora? Try the following collections:
- Read-Alongs
- Beginner Readers & Chapter Books
- Picture Books
- Spanish Titles for Young Readers – Always Available!
- Social and Emotional Learning – Always Available!
- Magazines for Kids – Always Available!
Want to see what else we are curating in Sora? Log in to Sora with your username (9-number for students) and regular password and visit the Explore screen, or browse other posts in our Sora New Releases and Features series.
Requests and Recommendations
Are we missing something? Let us know! Students and staff in Granite School District can make recommendations for Sora purchases using our ‘Suggest a Sora Purchase’ form.
Sora Help and General Information

Want more information about Sora? Visit our dedicated Sora help page for Granite students and staff at sora.edtech.fun (https://www.graniteschools.org/edtech/sora/).