
Written and Illustrated by Natalia & Lauren O’Hara

Frindleswylde is like a magical, old tale that I’ve known but never heard before. Rendered in watercolor and mixed media, the illustrations are absolutely beautiful!

It’s a wintery story that’s like a fairytale. A girl named Cora lives with her Granny, who warns her about Frindleswylde coming. Frindleswylde is the king of the cold and winter. When Cora falls down a hole into his wintery kingdom, she must complete three Impossible Tasks to save herself and Granny from a lifetime of winter. The plot was very unpredictable.

This book is more of an illustrated storybook instead of a picture book: there’s a lot of text. So, this would perhaps be best suited for an older audience, or one with a large attention span. Although the word count is high, the text has a beautiful poetic style with rich similes.

Reviewed by Becky Burr, Librarian, Academy Park Elementary
Review shared in September 2023
Rating: ★★★★✩ (4 stars)
Interest Level: Grades 1-4

Written and Illustrated by Natalia & Lauren O’Hara
Candlewick Press
40 pages
Release Date: November 8, 2022
ISBN: 9781536225099
A review copy was provided by the publisher.

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