Reading Recommendations for All Ages
The Utah State Library now provides all Utah students, teachers, and parents with access to NoveList K-8 Plus (for younger readers) and NoveList Plus (for adults and teens.) Click on the logos on this page or on the quick links listed below to access these services directly in Utah.
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About NoveList K-8 Plus
NoveList K-8 Plus is a database about books specifically for younger readers. It helps kids find books that are just right for their reading level and interests. Parents, teachers, and librarians can also find tools to teach with books and engage young readers. It has reading recommendations for both fiction and nonfiction, for kids in grades K-8. Use it to find just the right books for every reader.
Find Just Right Books for Younger Readers
Have kids who love action/adventure? Kids who want to read books just like their favorite, Harry Potter? Students who have to find nonfiction books at their reading level? NoveList K-8 Plus makes it easy to find just right books that match each reader’s interests and reading level.
Created by Book Experts
NoveList Plus is lovingly created by librarians and book experts. We have over 25 librarians on staff, plus teachers and others from around the country who contribute their expertise. Our hand-crafted recommendations are created by professionals, so you can trust them to be high-quality. We tell youwho wrote a recommendation and why the recommendation makes sense.
Resources for Teachers and Parents
If you teach with books, NoveList K-8 Plus is the place to go for inspiration and education. Need lists of books by topic or unit of study? We have ready-to-go materials that are quick and easy to use. Need books for your lessons that meet Common Core State Standards? We have Curriculum Connections and other materials that will get you started.
Reading Lists!
Our lists make it really easy for busy librarians (and readers) to find a list of great books to read. Top ten, best of, favorites, award winners, and more. Just download them and go!
A Single Place for Reviews
Tired of searching multiple places just to find out what people are saying about a book? NoveList includes reviews from professionals (Booklist, Kirkus, Library Journal, Publishers Weekly, School Library Journal), as well as from readers (Goodreads, Chilifresh). One stop shopping!
NoveList Has Appeal
Appeal factors are terms that help kids decide whether or not a book is “their style” Looking for funny graphic novels? Or exciting rescue stories? Then we have appeal terms that will help! Learn more about appeals; download our guides to Follow the Appeal and Target Your Search with Appeals.
Award-Winners, All in One Place
There are A LOT of book awards out there – Caldecott Medal, ALA Notable Books, Newberry Medal, Parents Choice, and more. Wouldn’t it be great if there was one place to find lists of award-winning books? NoveList has that.